jude’s non-traditional pesto

A delicious guest recipe by Jude Fanton, director of the Seedsavers foundation, from the 29 March 2010 belly radio show on bayfm99.9.

Jude and sister T both like to play around with a pesto recipe.  It is an easy, versatile mix of nuts, oil and herbs basically.  If you use our lovely native nut, the macadamia, it has such a gentle taste that you can add almost any herb or oil.

Recipe, or rather a treatment, for NON-TRADITIONAL PESTO

Use any herb such as coriander, oregano (with others as it is a bit strong),
parsley or fennel.
Use any nut such as cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias or almonds ground in food
Use any tree oil, such as olive or macadamia.
No need for parmesan cheese, garlic optional.

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